While there is no specific agenda or packet posted on the Town of Brunswick website at this time, the first public workshop on shelters for the Brunswick Town Council is scheduled for Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 6:30pm. The workshop will be held in the council chambers in the town hall located at 85 Union Street in Brunswick. These meetings are open to the public and available for viewing on Brunswick Cable TV3.
It is expected that the council will review the reports and recommendations from the Brunswick Planning Board and Shelter Task Force.
FMI, visit the following links:
- Letter to Editor: Clarifying Tedford Housing’s proposed emergency housing program
- Brunswick Town Council meeting agenda for January 24, 2019
- Brunswick Town Council packet for January 24, 2019 meeting
- Packet for January 8, 2019 Planning Board meeting (with Tedford-related materials only)
- Full packet for the January 8, 2019 Planning Board meeting
- Packet from December 11, 2018 Planning Board meeting
- Packet from November 27, 2018 Planning Board meeting
- Packet from November 13, 2018 Planning Board meeting
- FAQs on Tedford Housing Resource Center
- Tedford’s current annual report & other stats
- Shelter Task Force website
- Brunswick Town Council members
- Brunswick Planning Board members