Contact: Jennifer Iacovelli, jennifer@tedfordhousing.org. 207-729-1161, ext. #101
Tedford Housing Celebrates 30 Years, Honors Community Members and Staff, Looks Toward Future at Recent Annual Meeting Event
BRUNSWICK, Maine (July 11, 2017) – Tedford Housing, a nonprofit agency whose mission is to find lasting solutions to the challenges of homelessness, held its annual meeting and awards event on June 15th at The Daniel in Brunswick. Honorees included First Parish Church, the Ecumenical Council for Homeless Prevention of Damriscotta/Newcastle, Jane Scease, Marcy McGuire, and the Midcost Regional Redevelopment Authority (MRRA). Guest speakers included Allen Springer, Susan Wygal and Robin Nilson, who all shared stories of Tedford throughout the years.
Craig Phillips, Tedford Housing’s executive director, closed the meeting by sharing the vision for the future of the organization. To meet the growing needs in the community, Tedford Housing is moving forward with plans to build a homeless center that combines adequate shelter beds with key onsite community resources. Phillips called the project a “journey to create a first class center proudly serving Midcoast families and adults while creating pathways from homelessness to home.”
The following awards were handed out at the event:
The Margit Cook Award – given annually to one or more persons who demonstrate exemplary volunteer service to Tedford Housing, have served in a formal volunteer capacity for at least five years and are recommended by Tedford Housing staff as persons of great integrity and outstanding volunteer service – was awarded to First Parish Church.
The Tedford Home Award – given annually to one or more organizations who have worked closely with Tedford Housing to help meet its mission of ending homelessness – was awarded to the Ecumenical Council for Homeless Prevention of Damariscotta/Newcastle and Jane Scease.
The Scooty Brownell Award – given annually to those who have a history of supporting Tedford Housing in more than one way including financial, volunteering, advocacy or leadership – was awarded to Marcy McGuire.
The inaugural Tedford Visionary Award was presented to the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority (MRRA) in recognition of exemplary support to advance the mission of Tedford Housing. MRRA created the Tedford Trust to provide services to homeless families and youth in the area when the Brunswick Naval Air Station closed in 2011. Whenever a parcel of land was sold, a portion of the sale went into the trust. Though the trust is coming to an end, an astonishing amount of $600,000 was contributed to the fund, which has allowed Tedford to work with an estimated 450 families to avoid becoming homeless or to return to home following an episode of homelessness. The trust has also helped 180 homeless youth stay in school and graduate.
Staff recognition:
In addition, executive director Craig Phillips and director of operations Giff Jamison were recognized for 5 years of employment with Tedford Housing. Steve Vachon, Tedford’s facilities manager, was recognized for 15 years with the agency.
Photos from the event can be found on Tedford Housing’s Facebook page
Tedford Housing works together with people in their communities to find lasting solutions to the challenges of homelessness. We provide shelter, housing, and services that empower adults, children and families in need. For more information, call 207-729-1161 or visit www.tedfordhousing.org.