Tedford Housing, whose mission is creating pathways from homelessness to home by partnering with people and their communities in Midcoast Maine, held its annual meeting and awards event on June 26th at The Brunswick Golf Club. Community and staff honorees included Brenda Houdlette, Oasis Free Clinics, Doug Morrell, Danielle Triffitt, Pauline Hanson and Donna Verhoeven.
In addition to welcoming new board members and showing appreciation to board members whose terms have ended, the evening also featured real stories of people who have used Tedford Housing’s services. Josie and Maggie Adolf, teen performers from The Theater Project’s Young Company program, told the stories of a teen, single adult and family.
The following awards were handed out at the event:
The Margit Cook Award – given annually to one or more persons who demonstrate exemplary volunteer service to Tedford Housing, have served in a formal volunteer capacity for at least five years and are recommended by Tedford Housing staff as persons of great integrity and outstanding volunteer service – was awarded to Brenda Houdlette.
The Tedford Home Award – given annually to one or more organizations who have worked closely with Tedford Housing to help meet its mission of ending homelessness – was awarded to Oasis Free Clinics.
The Scooty Brownell Award – given annually to those who have a history of supporting Tedford Housing in more than one way including financial, volunteering, advocacy or leadership – was awarded to Doug Morrell.
Staff recognition:
In addition, business manager Danielle Triffitt and homeless prevention case manager Pauline Hanson were recognized for 5 years of employment with Tedford Housing. Donna Verhoeven, Tedford’s Merrymeeting Project for homeless youth case manager, was recognized for 10 years with the agency.
Photos from the event can be found on Tedford Housing’s Facebook page.
Videos of the stories read by The Theater Project can be viewed on YouTube.