The Brunswick Planning Board held two workshops focused on the Shelter Task Force’s recommendations for shelter zoning amendments on November 13th and 27th. You can view the packets from the meetings on Brunswick’s website (minutes have not been published at this time).
The Planning Board’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 11th at 7:00 pm in the council chambers at the Brunswick Town Hall at 85 Union Street. This workshop, according to the website, “will continue its discussion from the November 27th workshop and review a proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment from the Town of Brunswick Shelter Task Force to
a. Establish definitions for: homeless shelter, apartment-style; homeless shelter, nonapartment-style;
and homeless shelter, resource center;
b. Establish appropriate zoning districts for the location of above referenced shelter
definitions; and
c. Establish supplementary use standards for above referenced shelter definitions.”
In addition, “The Planning Board will set a PUBLIC HEARING DATE in accordance with subsection 5.2.11.B of the Brunswick Zoning Ordinance to review and provide a recommendation to the Town Council on a Zoning Ordinance Amendment for homeless shelters in accordance with Chapter 12.2-5 of the Brunswick Code of Ordinances.”
As always, these meetings are open to the public.
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